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A TU student and parent moving into the dorm

Parents’ Corner

The Parents’ Corner is an information resource for families of current and prospective Thomas University Students. We understand that sending your student to college is a big step for both of you, and we want parents to have access to important information that will make that transition easier.

Whether it’s your first child or your fifth child, the day you drop them off at campus and drive home never gets any easier. However, you and your student chose Thomas University, so you can rest assured that your child will have an exceptional educational experience.

If you have additional questions, need assistance, or further information please contact Student Life at 229-226-1621 ext 1077 or the Office of Student Success at

+FERPA. Why you should care

Without a FERPA Student Authorization Form on file with the Registrar’s office, we cannot discuss your student’s grades, finances, attendance or other details of their student record with you, even though you are the parents! This information is protected under FERPA. The FERPA form is available in the student portal, HawkLink, and must be submitted by the student.

家庭十大网络彩票平台大全权利和隐私法案(FERPA)为学生提供了有关其十大网络彩票平台大全记录的某些权利. These rights include:

  • 有权在学校收到访问请求之日起45天内检查和审查学生的十大网络彩票平台大全记录.
    • A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. 大学官员将安排访问,并通知学生可以检查记录的时间和地点. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
    • 希望要求学校修改记录的学生应写信给负责记录的大学官员, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.
      If the University decides not to amend the record as requested, 大学将以书面形式通知学生有关决定,以及学生有权就修改请求举行听证会. 有关听证会程序的其他信息将在通知学生有权参加听证会时提供给学生.
  • 在大学从学生的十大网络彩票平台大全记录中披露个人身份信息之前,有权提供书面同意, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
    • 根据FERPA的例外规定,大学在没有学生事先书面同意的情况下,向具有合法十大网络彩票平台大全利益的学校官员披露十大网络彩票平台大全记录. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using University employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
    • 如果学校官员为了履行其对学校的专业职责而需要审查十大网络彩票平台大全记录,则学校官员具有合法的十大网络彩票平台大全利益.
      Upon request, 大学还会在未经学生寻求或打算入学的另一所学校的官员同意的情况下披露十大网络彩票平台大全记录.
    • The University may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, date and place of birth, degrees awarded, major field of study, honors and awards, and dates of attendance.
    • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failure by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901

Additional Information:
U.S. Department of Education FERPA Website

如果有任何十大网络彩票平台大全FERPA下信息发布的问题,请联系十大最大的网络彩票平台注册处,或者选择不共享目录信息. 学生如对个人私隐权有任何投诉,亦可透过电邮( or by phone at 229-226-1621, Ext 1022.

+What Parents need to Know

Yes, they will need them! 每门课所需的课本和在线软件的清单会在每学期之前公布在TU的网站上 Bookstore page.

Students may purchase their books through our online bookstore. 方便的访问和简化的购买允许学生享受个性化的购物车,自动建立,因为他们选择他们的课程材料. Students have the ability to choose from digital, new and used print, and rentals all in one place. Flexible delivery and payment options are available so students are able to get what they need with ease.

Students that are registered for courses may charge up to $1,000 in textbooks to their account. Students will be responsible for textbook charges. Charges will decrease the amount of any refunds.


TU has a full-time security officer who patrols all three campuses 7 p.m.-4 a.m. In addition, the Thomasville Police Department has a police substation located on the Magnolia Campus. Students can also contact the Housing Manager, Resident Director or their RA 24/7 in case of an emergency.

Emergency System

Thomas University has an emergency communications system in place to notify all students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency situation.
  • In the event of an emergency:
    • The emergency system is updated each semester with each student's information from the registrar's office. It's important that a student updates his/her information in Hawklink.
    • An emergency message in the form of a text message, voice message and email will be sent to all cell phone numbers, home phone numbers and email addresses on file with the registrar's office. (Please make sure your student updates this information regularly in Hawklink.)
    • An emergency message will be sent to all computers on the TU network. This message interrupts any work on that computer. The message must be dismissed by the computer user or time out according to its programming.
    • Emergency notifications will be posted on the TU website, Facebook page, Twitter page and Instagram page.
  • Parents are welcome to sign up to be included in TU's emergency messaging system. To do so, please send the following information to Please send a separate email for each parent. You will be contact via email to verify that the information is correct.
    • Parent's name
    • Student's name
    • Parent's cell phone number(s)
    • Parent's email address(es)

Missing Student Notification

  • Before presuming that a person is missing, 应采取合理措施,以确定该人是否在他们的家中或校园住所,以及该人熟悉的人最近是否见过该人或听到该人的消息,或者是否知道他们可能在哪里.
  • Any member of the Thomas University community – including parents, 员工或其他学生-谁是担心大学社区的一员失踪应联系学生生活副校长办公室(229)226-1621分机. 1136 as soon as it is determined that the individual is missing as defined above.
Missing Student Notification Policy Missing Student Notification Form

Student Activities

TU's Student Activities Office holds events on campus for students to enjoy. We encourage students to participate in multiple activities. This is a great way for students to meet others and connect outside of their regular team or classroom.Some of the other events that Student Activities holds include:
  • Welcome Week
  • Thanksgiving Dinner
  • Food Drive
  • Bowling Night
  • Spring Week
  • Graduate Week
TU also has many clubs and organizations in which students can participate. These include:
  • The Art Club is open to any students interested in discussing art, creating art projects and visiting area art museums.
  • Campus Activities Board is a group of student volunteers who plan activities for other students.
  • ENACTUS鼓励学生与学术界和商界领袖合作开发各种社区服务项目.
  • Jazz Ensemble performs at events throughout the area.
  • Night Hawk Review is TU's annual creative arts journal, which highlights the creative work of students, staff, faculty and friends of TU.
  • Pep Band consists of trumpet, trombone, saxophone, percussion, bass (upright or guitar) and other instruments.
  • Psychology Club an organization open to psychology majors and those with a special interest in psychology.
  • TU Book Club meets monthly for a discussion on a selected book.
  • Thomasville Singers is a community chorus with weekly rehearsals on Monday nights in Smith-Bonvillian Hall.
Be sure to follow TU's Student Activities pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find out more about what's happening.

Disability Services

The Student Disability Support Services Office serves as Thomas University’s entry-point into advocacy for on-campus, online, and distance students with disabilities. 我们与教职员工合作,为十大最大的网络彩票平台课堂内外学生的独特需求提供学术住宿. By providing support services to students with disabilities, TU offers an opportunity for students to achieve their academic and personal goals.If your student needs to request accommodations, please refer to the process and documents here.

Student Assistance Program

Sometimes students need help dealing with the pressures and problems that come with college life. TU has partnered with Archbold Memorial Hospital to provide the Student Assistance Program (SAP). These services are at no cost, private, and confidential.The SAP provides services such as:Identification, 问题/压力评估咨询和问题解决会议转介到适当和方便的服务和资源需要帮助的学生可致电877-327-2724或与TU工作人员联系.

+Office of Student Success

学生将根据他们的专业分配一名学生成功顾问,这使学生能够深入了解该项目的课程进展和流程.  Success Advisors assist in developing a graduation plan, registering in classes and identifying resources to assist in successful progression toward your degree.  They are available to assist students in a variety of ways beyond simply registering for classes. Any questions students have concerning their college experience can be addressed with their Success Advisor.  They will provide information and make referrals to appropriate resources.  如果学生功课落后,成功顾问也会伸出援手,帮助学生迅速回到正轨.

每个学生还可以获得指导老师的帮助,指导老师会提供每个专业的职业道路信息,并帮助学生确定合适的选修学分, internships and other experiences that provide a deeper preparation in your chosen career.

Students have access to free tutoringthrough TU’s Center for Teaching and Learning.  This is available in-person or virtually for a wide variety of coursework.

TU’s Career Center is also available free of charge to assist students in determining career pathways based on interests and skills, preparing students for interviews, developing resumes and job searches.

Advising Staff:

Burcu Demarco Director of Student Success

Burcu Demarco
Director, Student Success
229-226-1621 ext. 1054
Call or Text  229-201-2653
Schedule Appointment


Kristen Rice
Advisor, Student Success
229-226-1621 ext 1110
Call or Text 229-201-1324
Schedule Appointment

Stacie Reilly
Advisor, Student Success
229-226-1621 ext. 1087
Call or Text 229-977-7673
Schedule Appointment

Kendon Wararen - Business, Humanities advisor

Kendon Warren
Advisor, Student Success
229-226-1621 ext. 1063
Call or  Text 229-201-0889
Schedule Appointment

Stacie Reilly
Advisor, Student Success
229-226-1621 ext. 1087
Call or Text 229-977-7673
Schedule Appointment

Kendon Wararen - Business, Humanities advisor

Kendon Warren
Advisor, Student Success
229-227-1621 ext. 1063
Call or  Text 229-201-0889
Schedule Appointment

+Important Dates

The FAFSA application is available NOW.  If your student plans to attend college next academic year, please complete this form.  Some aid programs are first come, first serve!  Our school code is 001555.

Parents trying to plan for when their students will be home for the holidays or over the summer can view the Academic Calendar.

Housing. Student housing is assigned on a first-come first-served basis for students who have a completed housing application and have paid the housing deposit. We do not guarantee housing availability if the application and deposit are not received by 7/1.

+Financial Aid

Here in the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, we are here to help evaluate college cost and apply for financial aid programs. 我们在十大最大的网络彩票平台的使命是使一个特殊的TU十大网络彩票平台大全负担得起,尽可能简单和直接的过程. Over 90% of students receive financial aid at Thomas University. Our staff is devoted to your success and anticipate supporting you with your financial aid application.

Additionally, the student’s financial aid information is available 24/7 through HawkLink (our student portal).  Your child has been sent information on setting up their TU account for email and access to HawkLink.

For more information on applying for financial aid, completing your financial aid file, accepting aid, types of aid and more, please visit the Financial Aid page.

A variety of scholarships are available to new and returning students. These can be viewed here. Students must be accepted to be eligible to apply for these scholarships. The applications are available in HawkLink. Please note the deadline for applying for these is 3/1.

Contact Us

Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Student Service Building D
1501 Millpond Rd.
Thomasville, GA 31792

FAFSA School Code: 001555

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm

Phone: (229) 584-2460
Fax: 229-584-2400

Schedule a phone or video appointment

+Student Accounts

十大最大的网络彩票平台的学生账户办公室致力于帮助学生和家长了解他们的学生账户.  We can assist with questions about tuition, fees and refunds as well as determining whom to contact to correct errors on your account.  We are here to help!  Additionally, the student’s account information is available 24/7 through HawkLink (our student portal).  Your child has been sent information on setting up their TU account for email and access to HawkLink.

For information on when tuition is due, how to make a payment, payment plans and more, please visit the Student Accounts page. 

Contact Us

Student Accounts
Student Service Building D
1501 Millpond Rd.
Thomasville, GA 31792

Office Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 229-227-6883
Fax: 229-584-5398

Schedule a phone or video appointment

+Housing and Meal Plans

Thomas University offers on-campus housing for full-time students.  There are three dormitories at two locations.

Visit our Housing page for more information concerning housing, room layouts, ‘what to pack’ lists.  如果可能的话,我们鼓励家长在他们的孩子搬进来的时候带他们来学校,我们的培训有一个专门为家长准备的课程.

PLEASE NOTE: On-campus housing is assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students interested in housing should complete the application on the housing page, including the $300 room reservation fee, as soon as possible. Space is limited to the first 134 completed applications. Housing cannot by guaranteed unless the housing application and deposit are received by July 1.

Dining and Meal Plans


Magnolia dormitory residents have a full kitchen in each apartment unit.  However, they too can purchase a meal plan.  Breakfast and dinner is served at the Pinetree dormitory.


All new students are required to participate in the Thomas University New Student Orientation (NSO) program. 

NSO provides vital information regarding the many important student features one gains as they become a Night Hawk. Some highlighted features are:

  • using the Student Portal (Hawklink) including student account and financial aid information,
  • understanding Canvas, the online learning site that accompany all courses at TU,
  • review of the numerous Library resources available to Night Hawks on campus or as a distance student.
  • orientation to the TU Honor Code and our expectations for academic integrity,
  • academic support services
  • opportunities for student involvement here at TU.

The Campus-based NSO is required for all undergraduate students, new to TU, taking one or more classes on TU’s Thomasville, Georgia, campus and beginning classes in the Fall semester. This includes transfer students. 

+Departmental Contact Information

Click for individual contact information 844-862-6978
Click for individual contact information 229-226-1621 x 1054 229-226-1621 x 1077 
Human 229-226-1621 x 1080
Financial Aid
Schedule an Appointment 229-584-2460 229-227-6959 229-226-1621 x 1022
Student Accounts
Schedule an Appointment 229-584-2461
Student Life 229-226-1621 x 1077
Veterans Services
Schedule an Appointment 202-821-7249

Thomas University

Education that Engages

1501 Millpond Road
Thomasville, GA 31792
Contact Us